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Project Organizer & Writer
Created questions for interview material
Conducted interviews with SUU professors on camera, strengthening oral communication skills
Created blog post for T-bird Nation blog, gained writing experience on a blog platform
Approved of edited video from videographer
Posted video on YouTube and added to blog
Shared video on social media and emails to potential students
Contributing Writer & Editor
Received interview answers from SUU alumni
Created content strategically for SUU Alumni blog and magazine, with each post targeting a specific major or service opportunity from SUU
Purpose of writing SUU to Everywhere is to show what paths of life SUU can lead people to
Published in SUU in View, Spring and Fall 2018; sent to over 60,000 recipients each issue
View Spring 2018 Magazine here
Edited Fall 2018 SUU in View
Campaign Creator
Met with client struggling to gain student attendance at SUU sporting events
Analyzed situation and produced goals for client to reach
Created strategies and tactics for client to implement for better performance
Rebranding was part of the campaign, this included tweaking the name and changing the logo
Presented to client and gave them all information to implement into their program